Microsoft VIVA Sales for Outlook and Teams

Go to your Microsoft 365admin portal/admin centre and on the left pane,

select settings-> Integrated apps -> get apps and then search for VIVA SALES and then install to your entire organization. For teams app, install that as well and the status will find only on Teams admin portal.

Microsoft new Teams Pro for windows

IT admins – How to roll out
the new Teams

Before you start, review the list of feature limitations above to decide if it’s right for your organization or your early adopters. You can manage the new Teams experience using Teams PowerShell or in the Teams Admin Center. For step-by-step instructions on how to roll out the new Teams, read through our documentation, which includes a known issues list.

Get started today

Today marks the new era of Microsoft Teams, and we are just getting started. As the world continues to evolve, Teams is here to be your modern workplace. For a sneak peek of all the new experiences we are building on new Teams, watch the video below.