Microsoft Team – Transition – Upgrade Policy

If you are using Skype for business and you now started using Microsoft Teams in your organization, some of the user who send you chat from SFB and as a team user, you did not received. This is a bug and to overcome this, Teams Upgrade Policy allows administrators to manage the transition from Skype for Business to Teams.

Issue: Unable to run the power shell command for our O365 account to change user “Team-Only” mode

Summary: After running the command in SFB online powershell polcy was succesfully assigned.

Resolution steps: Download Skype for Business Online, Windows PowerShell Module.

Upgrade Policy: Click here


To download the Powershell module for this task:

Open powershell and Run the following commands:



For Multi Factor enabled account:


$sfboSession = New-CsOnlineSession -UserName $acctName

Import-PSSession $sfboSession

For non-MFA account:

$cred= Get-Credential

$Session= New-CsOnlineSession-Credential $cred

Import-PSSession$Session –AllowClobber

***********after the successful login, you are now able to execute the following command

Grant-CsTeamsUpgradePolicy -PolicyName UpgradeToTeams -Identity


This shows that the command is successfully executed.